Floyd Mayweather in Mayweather’s boxing gym showing his awesome hand speed and co-ordination on the mitts. Leading the session is his long time trainer and uncle Jeff Mayweather. The man to whom Floyd says he owes much of his success inside the ring. So will the duo be successful this time around?
Well, that is up to you to decide and for Floyd to prove. But one thing is for sure. The Moneyman is looking pretty sharp on those mits. It’s really no just all about putting it together on the night and making sure he doesn’t get taken out of his gameplan. McGregor is in the same boat and believes that he can and will give Floyd his first “0” inside the ring as a professional athlete. This, of course, is the reasons we as fight fans will pay! To find out which of these two fighters was living in the real world and which was away in his own little world.
It all goes down August 26th when Floyd Mayweather vs UFC Champion Conor McGregor no doubt becomes the biggest fight in combat sports history. Hope you enjoy part one of this Mayweather boxing training series.